Our Copper Coconut Type has fruity accents that add shimmer to this summer blend of creamed coconut and sea salt. Layers of musk and sugared vanilla blend with amber for lingering sweetness.
Top – fruity
Middle – sea salt, coconut
Bottom – musk, creamy, vanilla sugar, amber
*We use American Grown Soy Wax hand poured in small batches in our N. Georgia candle and wax melt making studio.
*They are poured in small batches into 3 ounce clam shells... just break off a piece and put it in your wax melter.
*The Soy Wax Melts are Triple Scented (over an ounce fragrance oil per pound of wax.) One cube lasts several days!
*Wax Melts absorb heat more slowly and release the fragrance with out the fast burn and release that you get from a candle.
*No Soot
*No Flame
*No Chemicals... all American Grown Soy Wax
*Most fragrance oils are Phthalate free.